Feb 05th and 6th

Yesterday afternoon was full of appropriation meetings and appropriation meetings are full people who will scratch, claw and bite at each other over even one dollar. I spent most of the 5th doing research for the common ground initiatives and found some good articles on Same Same Adoption and parenting. One of the most striking comments made by one study pronounced that we should not allow same sex adoption because the accounts in gay culture and literature that encourage pedophilia. Another concern from another report was what would be the effect of two lesbian mother's who were for lack of a better word, "Anti-Man" in raising boys. It gave an incident from the book "Lesbians Raising Sons" which is a collection of essays by lesbian mothers of boys which reveals numerous cases of boys who, by their mother's admission, exhibit symptoms of gender identity disorder. One of the mother's defends her adopted son's cross-gender behaviour and castigates society for not accommodating him. She herself is pleased with it: "He has watched the college girls who student-teach, the video mermaids, the female heroines of the silver screen. He knows how to toss his head just so, to tuck a lock behind his ear, to suck on a strand that reaches the mouth." When he is asked if he is a girl or a boy, she encourages him to say "Well it doesn't matter to me what you think… whatever you decide." The school also accommodates his problem. "The kindergarten class was asked to line up,
boys on one side, girls to the other, for races. My son stood in the middle a little dumbfounded that such a request was being made, then slid himself to the girls' side. Afterwards a confused Mr. M. went to the teachers for clarification. They recommended he no longer divide the children by gender and that was that."(Most of the above 13 lines was taken and paraphrased from(Science, myths and same-sex parenting: Dale O'Leary"
On the 6th I set in the House Government Operations Committee Meeting and left after hearing SB 27 and tried to make it over to another committee meeting before it got out and found that I had arrived to late. For the rest of the Morning I listened to and took notes from the House Floor.

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