12th and 13th Feb 2009

Well the last couple of days have kept me pretty busy. Yesterday I was assigned a new duty and that duty was for me to be Gayle's shadow. So far it hasn't been horribly hard. I sat in the Senate Judiciary Committee and listened to debate concerning making some of the state gambling statutes mores strict. Rewording a law that allows people who get protective orders against them can appeal those orders after one year instead of two. There was also two bills that got rid of the statute of limitations for sexual assault, rape and sodomy against children. I then spent the remainder of time once again researching information about Gay's being allowed to adopt. The information that I researched was then used on a talk radio show. I spent the afternoon in House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Standing Committee. The bills we went over were HB221, HB151, HB 299, HB290, HB281, and HB317. By far the most interesting bills in this agenda were HB290 and HB281 which deal with wireless communication devices being used in motor vehicles. However once again I was surprised by how long and how much money is talked about and given out in appropriation committees.

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