17 Feb 2009

I spent most of the morning with Gayle and listened to debate on if a ten dollar fee increase in how much a marriage license costs is justified to pay for domestic violence shelters. The bill was killed in committee because the members of the committee did not believe that funding for that program should come from an increase in how much it costs to get married. The other bill that we were interested in was the house resolution that dealt with Utah not recognize the Real ID act. This bill was passed and should be debated on the house floor tomorrow. It was neat to see that resolution in committee because I did alot of research for the Rep. on the issue and saw some of my research in the bill.

We spent the afternoon in a committee meeting where the question of should co-habiting (Homosexuals) people be allowed to adopt children. There was spirited debate from both sides. The bill was killed in committee with a 1 voting yes and 5 no. What Rep. Sandoval said regarding it in summation of tabling the bill summed up pretty much everything the negative said in, "There are consequences to the way people choose to live their lives. Not being able to have kids is one of those consequences." I paraphrased but that is pretty close to what he said. Overall it was a pretty exciting day.

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