Week of March 9th

For the last 45 days every day I have been getting up at six in the morning and getting home at six at night. I have learned more in the last 45 days how the laws are really made then in 5 years of college. Since there was only floor time this week during the day I spent a lot of time outside the House and Senate galleries waiting for Representatives or Senators to come out and talk with us. One of the biggest disappointments of the session was around 11:25 on Thursday night. They Senate and House both ended early with bills still to be debated and I the first thought that crossed my mind when the vote to strike all the enacting clauses from unread bills was, "Horse SH!%. Those lazy, good for nothing, blankety blanks. They were elected to do a job and they only have to do it for 45 days and now they are cutting out early." Needless to say I was pretty upset. A few of the bills I had spent countless hours researching and lobbying for never even got to be debated in both houses and I was upset when they ended without debating them. However there is always next year to retry sending some bills through. I also sent some green notes in this week to the majority leaders in the House and Senate expressing my thoughts on Utah's resolution on the Federal bailout. The note I sent into them read something along these lines. Even a 6th grader would realize that you can't make more money by going into more debt but this is the Obama administration's answer. See it's great to get out there and campaign like you're going to start all these programs, help various groups, and promise money to everyone. But that money has to come from somewhere. I know it Socialist Utopia land it magically appears when pixie dust gets snorted by a multicultural unicorn with a PHD in Diversity and Sensitivity. Here in reality land it's everyone with a job paying other people to not get a job." I was sitting in the House gallery when the Majority leaders got my green notes and it made them smile and laugh. Over the course of the 45 days I became acquainted and worked closely with several Senators and Representatives and have learned that a lobbyist is only as good as his word.

Like I said last week however I still agree with Otto Von Bismark when he said, "If you love the law and sausages it best not to see either being made."


  1. What is a "green note"? I surfed on over from The Maritime Sentry, although I see from your profile that I might have run into you at Voice for Conservative America too.

  2. A green note is personal note you can send into a representative who is on the house floor while the house is in session. Its basically something to ask them to come out and talk to you or something to inform the representative how you would like them to vote. The blog I actually right on is Luck's Rants
