Week Of March 2nd

This past week has been filled with tons or really neat things. All of the committee meetings got finished on Tuesday so now there is only floor time in the Senate and House which means that I am spending alot of time up in the galleries and taking notes. It also means that I am writing lots of green and blue notes to send into senators and representatives. It seems like on Tuesday that I wrote well over three hundred green notes to send into the house on three or four different bills. One of the neat things that happened this week though is for the secrete ballot bill there were only five representatives that we didn't know how they were voting and they were the ones who really could decide if the bill passed or failed. I only sent in green notes to those five representatives. I used a quote by John Q. Adams that said,“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote was never lost." One of the representatives that I sent this note into got up on the floor of the house and read my green note and quote that I sent him. The next day I sent him another green note that had a quote from Otto Von Bismark, "If you respect the law and love sausages never see either being made." (I didn't tell him it was from Bismark) and thanked him for reading my note and told him he gave me a little more hope that representatives actually read the things that we send them. Even though we only have one week left of the legislative session it doesn't seem to me like things are starting to slow down. If nothing else it actually seems like things are starting to become more frantic and hurried. Another thing that happened this week was that several school groups came through the capitol and met with our lobbying group for a few minutes. We talked to them about what liberty and freedom our and I talked about what I had learned as an intern. Right now I think we have around 45 kids between the ages of 14-17 that are coming up to the capitol throughout the week to intern for us. A few weeks ago they made me a supervisor which means I am supposed to watch out for the kids and make sure they don't get into any trouble. This week has been really fun but I am not looking forward to writing more notes to send in, maybe I can see if they will just let me email the senators and representatives instead.

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